OpenRail ConceptStation

Import Dialog

From the backstage, clicking on Import displays the Import dialog. From there, import terrain, rasters and other sources of data to bring context to your design.

Add Data

The Add Data brings a dialog to browse and select the files to be imported.

Add Data also brings a dialog to browse in ProjectWise for the files to import.

User Selection


Raster and Terrain

The Raster and Terrain section browses for the following file format when clicking on Add Data:

Terrain supported file format:

  • TIN
  • IMG
  • DEM
  • DTM
  • POD
  • TIF
  • HGT
  • XML

Raster Supported file formats:

  • Ingr. TIFF / GEOTIFF (*.tif; *.tiff)
  • Internet TIFF and TIFF64 (*.Itiff; *.itiff64)
  • JPEG (*.Jpg; *.jpeg; *.jpe; *.jfif)
  • JPEG 2000 (*.jp2; *.j2k; *.jpm)
  • MrSID (*.sid)
  • ERMapper Compressed Wavelets (*.ecw)
Web Map Server file format:
  • Web Map Server (*.xwms)

During the import process, images are draped on the terrain.


Storm Data

The Storm Data section imports Storm Data from NOAA or IDF.


The Other section imports other file formats such as:

  • OpenStreetMap (*.osm)
  • DGN
  • ESRI Shapefile (*.shp)
    Note: If imported without terrain, it is placed at 0.00 elevation and only visible in Top view. If imported with a terrain, the SHP is draped on the terrain and placed in its object category denoted with (3D).
  • ESRI File Geodatabase (*.gdb)
  • Geometry Project (*.alg)
  • Custom Rules (.xml)
  • LandXML

Data Extent

Data Extent toggle is used to define the portion of the data that should be imported. The default is set to Project Extent.

  • All: Imports the complete data.
  • View Extent: Clips based on current view extent.
  • Project Extent: Clips based on project extent.


The Next button (grayed out until at least one source file has been added) moves to the next dialog that displays every source file that has been selected along with the class to which it has been mapped, when appropriate:


The Cancel button returns to the previous state.

To start the import process, click Import. To cancel the entire process, click cancel.


For some file formats, such as terrain, raster and osm files, the default mapping is used.

In other cases, a manual mapping is required to create the relationship between the features to be imported and the OpenRail ConceptStation class. In the following example, the selected Buildings_Small.shp file is selected and its Building class has been mapped to the Building - Footprint ConceptStation class. Once imported, those objects are recognized and symbolized based on the OpenRail ConceptStation Building class definition.

DGN Textures

When importing a DGN file, use the option to specify the texture workspace so they are considered during the import process. This is not mandatory. When checking the "Use workspace settings to find textures" check box the user has to select the product and the workspace to be used from the drop down list.

Terrain file location - Defines the location and the name of the terrain file (3sm) to be created. This file can be reused to create different alternatives by attaching it to other dgndb files. Refer to the Attach section for more details.


The Import tool launches the import process.


The Status column provides information about the import process status: Queued, Importing, Import Succeed, and Import failed. When a failure occurs, clicking on the Import failed link will provide details about the failure reason.


The Done tool closes the Import dialog.